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Lesnow Review

Lesnow are a type of desoldering wick. They’re useful for removing solder from electronic components, or just about anything that can be melted with heat. You’ll find them at any electronics store and on the shelves alongside other common tools like wire cutters, soldering irons, etc.. I’ve used these products before and they work well in most circumstances – but as with anything else there’s always something you could potentially improve upon. That’s what drove me to do this review – to really understand how effective Lesnow have been so far!

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Features of Lesnow

1. Use the solder wicks to correct mistakes on small boards
2. Remove relays and other components from printed circuit boards
3. Re-solder mechanical keyboard switches
4. Unsoldering old wire from devices
5. Clean alloy on smd components
6. Geometrically-precise weave with copper and rosin

1. Use the solder wicks to correct mistakes on small boards

If you make a mistake on your PCB and it is too small to solder, the Lesnow comes with two lithium-ion battery powered soldering wicks. You can use these wicks to correct mistakes on smaller boards that need some rework without having to buy more tools or buying new ones in order for them not to be out of commission while you do so. The other great thing about this tool is that it’s rechargeable, which means no extra cost when it comes time for all those repairs.

2. Remove relays and other components from printed circuit boards

Lesnow are designed to remove all the components from a printed circuit board and allow you to use them in new projects. Printed circuit boards usually contain large amounts of wiring, which makes it difficult for hobbyists or makers without specialized equipment like soldering irons or desoldering pumps, but Lesnow has solved this by cutting through wire with their sharpened blades so that no need for solder is present during rework.

3. Re-solder mechanical keyboard switches

Sometimes the keys on your keyboard stop working, and you can’t figure out why. The culprit could be a broken switch or corrosion that’s been creeping in to destroy them all together. In both cases, you usually have to replace each key individually by re-soldering it over with an insulated wire. Luckily for us though, these days there are mechanical keyboards like the Lesnow that come pre-assembled so you don’t need to do any soldering at all! All of those pesky switches? Just snap off their old components (a small screwdriver comes included), take them out, clean up the board around each one and insert new ones – easy as pie!

4. Unsoldering old wire from devices

If you find when trying to connect your device that the wires are too short, or even if they aren’t but no matter how hard you try it just won’t work then this is the tool for you. The high-quality pliers have a safety and anti-slip grip as well as an unsoldering tip on one side which can be heated up with a blow dryer until hot enough to melt any solder within seconds

5. Clean alloy on smd components

With the Lesnow 5, you can avoid harmful contacts when replacing or cleaning your smd components.
This is due to its alloy construction which has a smooth finish on all parts for better conductivity and reliability of contact.

6. Geometrically-precise weave with copper and rosin

The copper and rosin blend in this Lesnow weave is a patented technology that creates an ultra-strong product. Copper offers excellent conductivity, as well as antimicrobial properties to inhibit bacteria growth, while the rosin helps make sure ingredients are evenly dispersed and not trapped or sticky at all. The result is a tightly woven mesh with compression resistance so it won’t deteriorate over time like other products on the market. This mesh also has been through rigorous testing to withstand dishwashers without any damage or loss of performance after repeated use

Reviews & Ratings of Lesnow

Our Rating: 4.6 Out of 5 Stars

Check it out on Amazon-

The Lesnow DWC-60 professional desoldering wick is a premium product that will last for years. This tool can help you remove old, broken chips and solder from boards in just seconds with its efficient design.
I found 7 customer reviews at the time of writing and they had awarded the Lesnow DWC-60 four stars out of a possible 5 on average.
The customers were impressed by the quality of this device – “Excellent Quality”, “It’s very good quality . . .” ,”Good Product” so expect to get some use out of it while using it as well! Other comments included “Love It!” and finally “Great Purchase!”.
Lesnow has been making high performance tools since 1947, so I fully support their decision to offer such an excellent product like this one too!


Many reviewers refer to the Lesnow as a perfect product for beginners and professionals alike. It is easy to use, clean up easily, and works without fail while removing excess solder from components on circuit boards.

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About the Author

John Heiss

As an expert reviewer, John provides honest and reliable reviews on consumer electronic goods. As a young boy, John was always tech-savvy and managed to get his hands on the latest technology. However, he had had enough of purchasing devices only to find out that there is so much that brands don’t tell you about their products, John wanted to do his part in improving this for fellow consumers by sharing his own experience. He did just that on products that he was familiar with and realized he has a talent for this. John then followed an education that is geared toward comprehending the anatomy of electronic devices and tools, and how they are built. As a young man, John landed his previous job as a product reviewer which allowed him to cultivate his expertise in the field and has now decided to do so for himself. As the founder of Office Electronics Hub and Tool Equip Zone, John is passionate about shedding light on the good and bad about products that he uses himself on a regular basis.

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